Upgrade to PostgreSQL 12.7
Successfully migrated data from 10 to 12 by means of migration docker container.
[root@fiber ~]# docker stop bierochs-postgres-10
[root@fiber ~]# docker run --privileged --rm --user "$(id postgres -u):$(id postgres -g)" -v /var/docker_storage/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql:z -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro tianon/postgres-upgrade:10-to-12 --link
[root@fiber ~]# docker pull registry.bierochs.org/postgres:latest
[root@fiber ~]# docker run --name=bierochs-postgres-12 --user "$(id postgres -u):$(id postgres -g)" -d -p 5432:5432 -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /var/docker_storage/postgres/12/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:z -e POSTGRES_USER=******** -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=******** registry.bierochs.org/postgres:latest
[root@fiber ~]# docker rm bierochs-postgres-10
Successfully upgraded the Docker container on the Database Host by means of automated Watchtower container.
Release 12.7