Upgrade of Watchtower 1.5.1
Automated container update with issues mitigated by manual interventions.
Automated container update with issues mitigated by manual interventions.
Automated minor container update without any issue by Watchtower with dependency update facilitated by Mend's Renovate Bot. This MR contains the following updates: Package Update Change ghcr.io/ldapaccountmanager/lam minor 9.0 -> 9.1 Release Notes LDAPAccountManager/lam (ghcr.io/ldapaccountmanager/lam) v9.1: LAM
No problems automatically updating the Docker image, migrating the application manually and run the container by Watchtower with dependency update facilitated by Mend's Renovate Bot. This MR contains the following updates: Package Update Change docker.io/matomo minor 5.2.2 -> 5.3.0 Release Notes
On both domains I upgraded Ghost successfully by means of Watchtower Docker container update with dependency update facilitated by Mend's Renovate Bot. This MR contains the following updates: Package Update Change docker.io/ghost minor 5.110.4 -> 5.113.0 Release Notes TryGhost/Ghost (docker.
Minor upgrade to Docker container executed successfully by means of Watchtower infrastructure with dependency update facilitated by Mend's Renovate Bot. This MR contains the following updates: Package Update Change docker.io/sonatype/nexus3 (changelog) minor 3.77.2-alpine -> 3.78.1-alpine