Upgrade to Flux 0.41.1
Updated successfully via Homebrew and CLI bootstrapping Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. v0.41.0 v0.41.1
Updated successfully via Homebrew and CLI bootstrapping Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. v0.41.0 v0.41.1
No problems deploying to Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart and Flux V2 reconciliation in a GitOps approach. Application v7.4.0 Helm Chart 6.10.0 Helm Chart 6.10.1
No issues whatsoever by manually upgrading by means of istioctl and redeploying affected workloads resp. pods in the K3s Kubernetes cluster. Announcing Istio 1.17.1
Updated successfully CLI via Homebrew and dashboard via Flux V2 GitOps on Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. v0.18.0 Addidational visualization for notifications:
Updated successfully via Homebrew and CLI bootstrapping Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. v0.40.1 v0.40.2
No problems deploying Kyverno Policy Reporter to Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart and Flux V2 reconciliation in a GitOps approach. GitHub 2.17.0 Helm Chart 2.17.0
No problems deploying to Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart and Flux V2 reconciliation in a GitOps approach. Application v7.4.0 Helm Chart 6.9.1
No problems whatsoever by automatically applying the MetalLB Helm chart with the Flux V2 GitOps approach on the Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. Version 0.13.9 Application v0.13.9 Helm Chart 0.13.9
Updated successfully via Homebrew and CLI bootstrapping Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster. v0.40.0
No issues whatsoever by manually upgrading by means of istioctl and redeploying affected workloads resp. pods in the K3s Kubernetes cluster. Istio 1.17.0 Announcing Istio 1.17 Istio 1.17.0 Change Notes
No problems deploying to Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart and Flux V2 reconciliation in a GitOps approach. Helm Chart 6.9.0 Application v7.4.0
No problems deploying Kyverno Policy Reporter to Proxmox VE K3s Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart and Flux V2 reconciliation in a GitOps approach. Helm Chart 2.16.0 GitHub 2.16.0