Upgrade to HedgeDoc 1.10.0
No problems upgrading the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer and by means of Watchtower DevOps. HedgeDoc 1.10.0
No problems upgrading the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer and by means of Watchtower DevOps. HedgeDoc 1.10.0
No problems upgrading the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer and by means of Watchtower DevOps. HedgeDoc 1.9.9
No problems upgrading the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer and by means of Watchtower DevOps. HedgeDoc 1.9.8
No problems upgrading the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer and by means of Watchtower DevOps. HedgeDoc 1.9.7
No problems setting up the Docker container with a Docker compse yaml file within Portainer. HedgeDoc 1.9.6 Setup Image export SRC_DCKR_RGT=quay.io && \ export SRC_DCKR_IMG=hedgedoc/hedgedoc && \ export SRC_DCKR_TG=1.9.6 && \ docker pull --platform linux/